The Mid-America Regional Council and Solid Waste Management District will conduct a public meeting from 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24, to discuss the findings of a study led by Burns & McDonnell to forecast regional landfill capacity.

The study, which was completed last week, was intended to “inform solid waste planning, programming and permitting activities at the state, regional and local levels and to serve as a prelude to a future regional solid waste plan,” according to MARC.
The study is not an evaluation of any specific landfill expansion or proposed landfill, the agency said. One of the key findings of the study indicate that the region has a range of 19-37 complete years of landfill capacity remaining.
MARC and the SWMD are non-regulatory entities and have no formal role in the development, siting or expansion of landfills or waste transfer stations. The sites are governed by state and local permitting and zoning processes overseen by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and individual city and county governments.
The public meeting will be held at the Education Center on the MCC-Longview campus, 500 SW Longview Road, Lee’s Summit. Please enter campus from Lola Lane (also called Gate 3). Parking is available in Lot A near the Education Center and Business Building.
The meeting is open to the public and there is no need to register.
