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Emergency blood drive set for Friday

Lord of Love Lutheran Church, 8306 E. 171st St, Belton, MO 64012, is hosting an emergency blood drive on June 5th from noon - 5 p.m. in the church gym. Enter through the doors at the back of the church. Donors are encouraged to make an appointment to donate by visiting: and using Group Code: LV

or by calling Vicki Hedger at 816-853-3774.

In the Greater Kansas City area, one in three people will need blood at some point in their life and one in seven hospital admissions requires a blood transfusion. This means, nearly 600 donations are needed every day to meet hospital demand, and with a limited shelf life, supplies must be continually replenished. Red blood cells must be used within 42 days. Platelets must be used within five days. Plasma can be frozen and stored for up to one year. Community Blood Center (CBC) is the primary provider of blood and blood components to 70 plus hospitals and medical centers in the Greater Kansas City region.

In just 60 minutes, you can donate one pint of blood and Save a Life, Right Here, Right Now in your own community. See the attachment for more information about the medical requirements for blood donors.

"When individuals normally think of essential community services, they often think about fire and police departments," said Kim Peck, Senior Executive Director fo Community Blood Center. "Community Blood Center and its donors are very similar to police officers and firefighters. We make up a life-saving team that is here to meet the needs of local patients. Our volunteer donors roll up their sleeves and do so without hesitation."

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