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Summer Snacks, 'Bai' the Pool and Beyond

Stuck in a rut thinking of fun summer snacks that are also balanced? It’s easy to get tired of some of your usual options. I can hear an echo in the background as my kids say, “Again?” To keep things fun and creative, consider homemade freezer pops as a cool way to add variety to your snacking.

Freezer pops can definitely be made as a more balanced option, depending on what’s put in them. First, consider what you’re using as a base. You can use a simple liquid base, such as coconut water. Or something a little bit thicker, such as Greek yogurt, works great as a base, too. Add fruit to the base; for simple freezer pops, those two ingredients are enough! You can also get creative in the combination or colors. For example, for summer solstice you could include lemon zest for yellow, strawberries for red, and blended strawberries for “sunset pops” to celebrate the longest day and the latest sunset of the year. If you’re looking for a more patriotic option around the Fourth of July, you could choose a mix of red raspberries and blueberries with white yogurt to give you a refreshing red, white and blue mix.

Another way to make freezer pops is by making a favorite smoothie, then splitting it up evenly into ice pop molds to freeze and enjoy. If the molds you’re using are fairly narrow, you could try transferring the liquid smoothie into a gallon size storage bag, cutting the end of the bag so there is a small opening (similar to the way you might for icing a cake), and using that as way to reduce the mess and get the molds filled evenly. Smoothie freezer pops will end up all one color. This is another way you can get more veggies in, as a smoothie could include a little bit of spinach or carrots blended in (depending on the flavor). An easy, two-ingredient route for a smoothie freezer pop is banana + peanut butter, blended until smooth and then frozen!

The recipe below is for Lemon Blueberry Freezer Pops. It calls for Bai, which is a type of naturally flavored coconut water. Try this option as just one more way you can say “Bai” to boring summer snacks, and enjoy something new this year – “Bai” the pool, and beyond.

Lemon Blueberry Freezer Pops

All you need:

1 pint fresh blueberries

24 oz Burundi Blueberry Lemonade Bai

10 oz Oikos Triple Zero Greek Yogurt

Molds for 12 freezer pops

Popsicle sticks or toppers

All you do:

1. Pour 1 tablespoon Bai into each mold.

2. Place 2 to 3 blueberries in mold with Bai. Ensure the blueberries are fully covered by the liquid.

3. Measure 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt. Use an extra Popsicle stick or mini spatula to transfer it into mold.

4. Pour 1½ tablespoons Bai on top.

5. Place 6 to 10 more blueberries in mold. Ensure the blueberries are fully covered by the liquid.

6. Insert Popsicle stick or topper.

7. Freeze for at least 5 hours. Enjoy!

Recipe source: Hy-Vee dietitians

The information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for individual advice.

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