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Raymore Council cancels solid waste contract, approves container purchase

By Laurie Bassett-Edmonds

RAYMORE – In a special meeting Tuesday evening, the Raymore City Council approved the cancellation of its solid waste disposal contract with Jim’s Disposal Service, Inc. effective July 15. The measure passed with no discussion in the 3 minute, 54 second meeting.

According to the contract with Jim’s, which was signed on July 10, 2017, the city can terminate the contract “without cause” with a 60-day written notice.

According to City Manager Jim Feuerborn in a written statement to the Council, “Staff finds that the relationship between Jim’s Disposal and the City hasn’t evolved into a trusted collaboration that is needed with a contract of this magnitude that touches the lives of so many of our residents. At the end of the day, everyone wanted this to be a successful relationship, but we just have been unable to get there for whatever reason.”

The measure was approved in a 6-0 vote. Council members Joe Burke and Kevin Barber and Mayor Kris Turnbow were absent.

Assistant City Manager Mike Ekey later said that the city would pay for any increases in recycling costs during the 60-day period to assure that Jim’s would continue transporting recycling materials to the proper facility. He said that so far, there had not been an increase.

It was reported in the written weekly staff reports issued today that the council had begun the process of accepting proposals for a new solid waste vendor, which is expected to begin service on July 15.

When asked how the city would do things differently this time to ensure there is not a repeat of the same problem, Ekey said, “As we do with all vendors, the city will conduct an extensive amount of due diligence and research for our next solid waste vendor. “

During their its meeting the previous evening the Raymore City Council unanimously approved both readings of a nearly contract with Wastequip for the fabrication and delivery of solid waste and recycling carts for all households within the city.

The purchase includes 7,396 96-gallon trash carts, 625 64-gallon trash carts, and 8,015 64-gallon recycle carts, with a total price tag of $795,246.23. Fabrication, delivery, and a 15-year warranty are included.

Staff justification for the proposal, included in the council’s agenda packet for Monday night, said, “To provide high-quality solid waste and recycling programs for our residents, staff has determined that the best course of action would be to purchase our own industry-standard carts and containers for all eligible residents...” It was reported in the weekly staff reports that delivery of the carts would begin in late June.

A related budget amendment was also approved for the purchase. The purchase price will come from the Building and Equipment Replacement Fund, which will be paid back by customers (included in their trash bill) over the next six years.

Both readings of the proposal were conducted due to time constraints, according to staff.

In other business, the council approved an agreement with Fry & Associates, Inc. for playground improvements in Memorial Park near the Arboretum in the amount of $42,566.36. As the oldest playground in the city, with some equipment dating back to 1987, Park Director Nathan Musteen said it was past due for some upgrades.

The overall size will be increased to 3,500 square feet, much of the surface area will be hard rubber, and some of the play equipment will have inclusive components. Musteen said that the Parks Department was able to get overstock items at great prices.

The Dean Commercial Preliminary Plat was approved on an 11-lot commercial subdivision located on the southwest corner of M-58 Highway and Fox Ridge Drive. The 40-acre tract is already zoned “C-3”. As it develops, right turn lanes will be added off both roadways.

Liquor license renewals for the year were unanimously approved.

Second readings were approved on the following: the purchase of two portable lift station emergency generators; a contract with Breit Construction LLC in the amount of $33,552.00 for the Jefferson Street Culvert Replacement Project; a contract with J&N Utilities, Inc. in the amount of $95,405.00 for Fire Hydrant replacement; and a contract with Terry Snelling Construction, Inc. in the amount of $384,832.00 for the 2019 Curb Project.

Proclamations were read and presented for National Police Week and Public Works Week.

South Metro Fire District Chief Lee Stevens presented Police Chief Jan Zimmerman with a check for $42,500 to pay a portion of the half-million-dollar price tag for the Police Department’s Command Vehicle that was recently approved by the city council. Fire District personnel will also help train Police personnel to drive such a large vehicle.


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