By Laurie Bassett Edmonds
PECULIAR – West Peculiar Fire Protection District’s monthly board meeting Tuesday evening was the first since Bobby Sperry was hired as Fire Chief. Sperry shared plans and gave status reports on various projects he’s undertaken in his first weeks.
He said that the past three weeks have been spent “working hard and working together.” Planning for training; investigating needed equipment purchases; getting involved with the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation program through Medicaid, which provides compensation for unpaid medical calls; station cleaning and repairs; direct deposit for employees; EMS compliance; and countless other issues have been discussed and researched, he said.
Updates to the policy manual will come before the board at future meetings.
“We’ve had a great response from the guys,” said Sperry.
“Everyone has pitched in and seem eager to make changes.”
In other business, two ordinances were approved by the board. The first was the annual Conflict of Interest ordinance, which is required by the state Ethics Commission. The second was also routine, giving signatory authority to board members, the chief, and the secretary for banking.
The district’s new chaplain, Rev. Jeff Fairley was introduced. He is with the International Convention of Faith Ministries and is also the lead chaplain for the Grandview Fire Department. He described his service as being a “ministry of presence.”
Capt. John Hegarty was recognized for 11 years of service to the district, and Ryan Moody for nine years.
